
Supplier Contracts

Supplier Contracts Guide

This functionality was introduced in version 7.0098.30, for the original specification please consult case 0000139289.

Relevant System Options

Program NameOption IDValuesNotes
Supplier ContractsUse supplier contractsY,NDefault: N, must be set to Y to enable the functionality
Supplier ContractsSupplier Contract PrefixFree TextDefault: “SC”
Supplier ContractsSupplier Contract Identifier LengthintegerDefault: 10
Supplier ContractsSend email for expiry reminderY,NDefault: N (the system creates bookmarks), Y sends an email. This relies on running housekeeping
Supplier ContractsInclude Pended contracts in selectionY,NDefault: N, if set to Y, the grid to select a contract can include those that are in a pending status

Setting Up the Supplier Contract

  1. Supplier Search;
  2. Product Search;
  3. Unit of Measure, ttaken from the Product selected in 2, read only;
  4. Unit Price, the default price on the purchase order item when the contract is selected via Order Summary Processing;
  5. Start Date of the contract, must be equal to or greater than today’s date;
  6. End date of the contract, must be greater than the start date;
  7. Contracted quantity, must be greater than 0;
  8. On Order Quantity, a sum of purchase order item outstanding quantities (new or firm) linked to this contract, read only;
  9. Received Quantity, a sum of received purchase order item quantities linked to this contract, read only;
  10. Outstanding Quantity, contracted quantity minus on order minus received quantity.

Supplier Contract Statuses

PendingPThe contract start date has not yet passed
ActiveAThe current date falls between the contract start and end date
ExpiredEThe contract end date which has passed


Housekeeping needs to be run to update the system types.

Linking a Purchase Order to a Supplier Contract

Purchase Orders

When adding an item to a purchase order, there is an action available in the add item wizard called “Select Supplier Contract”. The system will display contracts which are active today (or pending contracts with the relevant system option enabled).

The system will not allow you to proceed if no contracts can be found:
SupplierContracts No Active SC

The Stock Quantity Required will be used as the call off quantity when an contract is included. This can be amended by changing the value in the CallOffQuantity column, as long as it’s lower than the stock quantity required and the contracted quantity outstanding. If the CallOffQuantity is lower than the Stock Quantity Required or spread over multiple contracts, the line will be split off the original line, creating one or more for the item(s) linked to one or more contract(s), and one for the remaining quantity not linked to a contract.

Creating a copy of a purchase order item does not automatically link it to the same contract, the above process has to be repeated. Deleting a purchase order item will update the contract quantities accordingly.


You can amend the contract by modifying the purchase order item and going through the “select supplier contract” wizard again.

Orders Summary Processing

Right click on an item and click “Select Supplier Contract” to see a grid of proposed contracts. This works the same as in the Purchase Orders screen, however no quantity will be amended on the contract until the selected items are converted into purchase orders.


A supplier cross reference has to be set up against the product, or else MRP will not propose against the correct supplier which means that the system will not be able to find a contract for the supplier/product combination.